Women Courtesans and Queens
From Marie Antoinette to Greta Garbo. By Messalina to Lucrezia Borgia. All women who have had a life tormented, fascinating and sometimes tragic.
1 The Gioconda
"I'm Lisa, but for all of you J am the Mona Lisa. Just because I
married Francesco del Giocondo. A family happy and joyful, then.
I still remember the first time I saw Leonardo: April 15, 1503 We were
in my reception room on the first floor of our building. The teacher looked at
me, in fact he stared at me for a while time; then walked over to my husband
and told him that I had to arrange to take off a bit of hair under my chin and
not gain weight much. He came back to me and asked me to sit up. He corrected
the position of the arms and smiled, then took out his cell phone and made a
self with the mirror in front. If you do research in archives, you will find me
smiling with Leo. The photos I was asked by one of you that came from the
future, "says the Gherardini calm voice and tune.
"Excuse me Madonna Lisa, was necessary. I'll have to see the
features, proportions ", apologized Leonardo, then lowered his head left.
Here, we spoke about the Mona Lisa. You see the dumb who scrutinizes his
eyes as if to hide a secret. Instead I heard his voice.
"I was born in Florence and are a noblewoman"
"We know that. She belongs to a noble family ", I rise.
"I'm a Gherardini. My family was rich. At the time when I got
married we had lost a bit of wealth but we had enough to live on the income. I
made a good marriage, so that sprang from the 100th to the 50th place of the
richest of Florence "
"Who was the first in Florence?", I lose by asking.
"I do not know. Try to see the annual ranking of Forbes and will know "
"Do not be angry, please. It was a way to cool down a bit the
tension of this meeting. Go on "
"Many of the young people of your age think love. How stupid and
deluded people! Colonel Musaccio always said to his daughters: women and whores,
with skim of old and young intellectuals in order to rejuvenate the mind and
body but ready to marry the count.
And virginity faded, you say? Flourish with care Magician Orzoe that in
time of possession dazzle the sight and senses of the groom, "she says in
one breath.
I watch and not interrupting. Lisa drinking a glass of water. She smiles
and continues.
"I had five children. I do not know if, when Leonardo painted me, I
was pregnant or just given birth "
"You know that painting is worth the astronomical?", referring
"Yes. You, sir, do you think I could ask for image rights. I'm sure
that he had never sold ", she asks.
"Perhaps, the procedure is a bit long but with a good lawyer will
be able to get something"
"Oh, the lawyers! None of my descendants will ask something because
the Tuscan branch of the Gherardini was extinguished with the death of
Fabio, the last noble family in Tuscany ", regrets.
"But Leonardo gave you eternity, the popularity. By the way it was
for real? "I ask.
Lisa does not respond immediately. Revolves around the room and sits
"Enigmatic and mysterious. I think then he had a lot of work for
this he agreed to do the portrait. Meanwhile took no unemployment and thought
to his studies on birds. Once he told me that he would be able to fly "
"But there was some magnate who subsidize it?"
"In those days there was hunger and famine. The great patrons were
all gone. There was, in short, a Aurelio (n.b. president of the Naples
football) that takes up the bag and resurrects a club failed "
"How did you come into contact with this great artist? Her husband
knew or Leonardo was a distant relative? "
"None of that. Simply went to live near the house of Piero da Vinci
in Pepi street near the Basilica of Santa Croce I do not know
the reason or the cause for which my husband commissioned the painting or how
many florins called on account. There were misunderstandings, mishaps. Once the
teacher left us for a week to answer a work call in Milan. He knows how to make
the youth of today. They start with the little money and go to Milan as if
there were all waiting for. Even then it was a center of attraction work. Some
recommended they get the job, others return home penniless and desperate "
"She, when she married, was Virgin?"
Lisa gave me a look of fire. If she could she would instantly
incinerated but she did not. She tried to remain calm even though she had a
tremor of the hands. She walked away from me and turned away. She went to the
window. She looked out and said it is a beautiful sunny day.
I said nothing. I continued to look at her. I waited for an answer.
"No. I was not a virgin," she says with a hint of tears in her
eyes. She thought that her image was fouled in the eyes of posterity. Not that
escaped and continued talking.
"I was just a little girl but he seemed nice, strong and charming.
He was Julian, son of Lorenzo the Magnificent. I was then only 13 years old
"We were the consequences of this relationship?"
"You, sir, certainly will want to know if I got pregnant. Yes. I
became pregnant. In these cases the man is the first to run away, just like in
your society. For good or bad luck I aborted. My position of women in society
Florentine could at times fall to the level of a street prostitute, even if
they had been silenced with large sums of money all those who were aware of the
affair. My grandfather who had immediately sensed the danger he sought in a
short time a man to marry. It did not matter if the old, if a widower, if
one-eyed or crippled. So at age 15 I went to married Francesco del Giocondo,
becoming his third wife. You will wonder who he was and how Francis had been
found in such a short time. He knows that when they happen in these cases the
solution is within the family. Certainly not consanguineous. However, Francis
had married Camilla Mariotto, daughter of my grandfather.
Francis, silk merchant, was a widower and he would never refused a young
and fresh meat even if used. I was always young. He also had some advantages
because the name of the Gherardini was noble and ancient. The name of the
family led him to be elected as one of the Twelve Buonomini of the Florentine
Republic and then was elected Prior "
"So in her life she was alone with Julian and Francis?"
"Why do you think that there could be others, not mentioned in the
gossip columns of the city of Florence? If there was only one other man in my
life I would not say never. Unfortunately I had other problems in the family
that made me a gastric ulcer "
"What? Her children? "
"The boys did not give me too many problems, unfortunately Camilla
and Maria, yes"
Rest dumb. I see with my own eyes the pain and sorrow on the face of the
Mona Lisa.
"Both have become nuns. Camilla took the name Sister Beatrice and
entered the convent of Santo Domenico del Maglio .It was young "
Lisa lowered her head and cries.
"Some disappointment in love ?, I ask.
"More, much more. It has been with many men - weeps, then gets
strength and continues to talk - They view while making love with two men. And
this would be nothing if she did with people her own age Instead it was old.
They were all old ones who made love to her. There were no solutions, nor could
groped to make her marry a widower shabby: it was much used. She went into the
convent. She died at age 18 "
"For me, this story is not likely. Maybe they are legends or
rumors. You know, people try to exaggerate. There have been cases of people who
killed themselves overwhelmed by scandals, lies and rumors. In our age no
longer happens. There are women of great beauty, of high social class who made
prostitutes to experience new sensations. Discoveries. There were ashamed
indeed they themselves attacked those who judged simply saying that those who
had been with them was not forced by anyone. And they also paid for lovemaking.
And the politician discovered for bribes? Simply says it will pay for what he
did and will return as taken. He will
negotiate worth and will live happily
ever after. It 's clear that it refers to' last bribe, the others have gone to
prescription "
"He says. Maybe we were bigots. But that was our time and we could
not do otherwise. I think it’s time to be here with me is over "
"Yes. A curiosity: she saw the painting by Leonardo, over?"
"Of course not! The teacher came and went. It has never been
professional, accurate. He had a thousand things to do. But if we had put a
penalty for delay of the delivery of the work perhaps the painting The Gioconda would remain in Italy and
the row that you do now in the Louvre would have made it to Rome. Many critics
said that the picture did not represent a woman at all but a male or a
hermaphrodite. Perhaps taking account of the Master of homosexuality. Instead I
am "
"You, Madonna Lisa, died on 15 or 14 July 1542 and was
buried in St. Ursula. You know you are doing the excavations to find to, what
is her body. With the DNA will succeed "
"DNA? And what is it? However, the dead are dead though not blame
you for your research of my body. After all, I was still in the history of each
one of you "
"Thank you for the interview. I will preserve a sweet memory of her "
"Good-bye, sir"
The light went out. Mona Lisa
was gone.
"Mine was a short life, but how much satisfaction! For having taken
a lover and then husband Don Joseph Garibaldi was really lucky. You cannot imagine
how beautiful it was, how strong he was and what was macho in making love,
"begins Anita.
"We are happy for you. The generality, please"
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